2025 Vinum Appeal
Help Us Fund Our Operations
Over the past 5+ years, this apostolate has seen:
- 1.4 million engagements on Facebook across Brazil, Columbia, Congo, Mexico, Nigeria, and the Philippines (in addition to the United States)
- 1000+ subscribers on YouTube
- the creation of a Summer Youth Camp (now it's OWN organization)
- 100s consecrated to Jesus through the Blessed Virgin Mary
- 2021 Mission Retreat @ St. Ambrose University
- Monthly "Bible Breakfast Sundays" for youth.
- Distribution of Catholic Media & Material (bibles, devotional packs, and other giveaways)
- 25+ In Caelo Et in Terra books for youth
- 100+ In Sinu Jesu books to all active/retired Priests within the Diocese of Davenport
- 300+ 33 Days to Morning Glory books for Marian Consecration
- 200+ Consecration to St. Joseph books for St. Joseph Consecration
- 200+ Preparation for Total Consecration to the Immaculate
Vinum is dedicated to:
- Sanctification, community, prayer, and devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
- Community and devotion to the powerful intercession of our Blessed Mother and Saints like St. Philomena.
- Holy Mass, Holy Mary, and Corporal Works of Mercy.
Our operations go to directly support the following big ticket items such as:
- Live-Streaming Platform (StreamYard)
- On-air production of nightly Rosary Live-Stream
- Evangelization & Feast Day Content
- Newsletters and Emails to Subscribers
Our goal for this year is to raise $11,000 which should cover all of the operating cost for 2025.
Would you be able to help?
Thank you for prayerfully considering a gift to Vinum!
Enter to Win!
Donate and enter the chance to win the brand new (SOLD-OUT) Ignatius Press Catholic Study Bible!